Letter from the Editor — July 2016

Greetings, and wel­come to the first is­sue of SuperNerdLand! I start­ed this out want­i­ng to catch you up on what’s been go­ing on around these parts, and in­tro­duce you to the new mag­a­zine for­mat for some of our con­tent. Then […]

E3 2016 Staff Picks

Another E3 has come and gone, and with it comes the things we are ac­tu­al­ly ex­cit­ed for be­yond the noise typ­i­cal of the event. This year was a tad off pat­tern, though. John goes into it more in his editorial […]

E3 2016: The Shifting Role of E3

This year’s E3 more than ever had most of the biggest an­nounce­ments re­vealed be­fore the events them­selves.  Going into the show we knew that both con­sole man­u­fac­tur­ers were plan­ning up­grad­ed it­er­a­tions of their con­sole, both of which seemed fo­cused on […]

Rabi-Ribi Review: Bunny Girls Forever

Platformers have been a sta­ple of gam­ing for decades now. On Steam alone there are over eight hun­dred ti­tles un­der the Platformer tag. With so much choice, across so many de­vices, it takes a lot for games in this genre […]

Magic the Gathering Eternal Masters: Set Review

As the sum­mer sets out­side of reg­u­lar Standard en­vi­ron­ment start to set­tle into their groove, Wizards of the Coast has yet again giv­en us an­oth­er tweak on their still rather young for­mat of reprint sets. Eternal Masters is only the […]

Magic the Gathering: Eternal Masters & The Enthusiast Bubble

It’s time to have a dis­cus­sion that wouldn’t fit in my main set re­view of Eternal Masters. The vast ma­jor­i­ty of Magic games are still “Kitchen Table” games, even those tak­ing place at your lo­cal game store. The ma­jor­i­ty of […]

The Current Virtual Reality Push is Half-Baked

Virtual Reality is tout­ed to be the next big new thing. Except it re­al­ly isn’t, but that is for a dif­fer­ent ar­ti­cle. This time it’s dif­fer­ent! Right? We have more pro­cess­ing pow­er at­tached to the head­sets folks are now strapping […]

Pack-in Game of the Month: Tales of Maj’Eyal

Tales of Maj’Eyal: Age Of Ascendancy , a rogue­like de­vel­oped by Darkgod and his team, and is one of the most es­sen­tial rogue­like ex­pe­ri­ences you can play to­day. Keeping in spir­it with the orig­i­nal Rogue, Tales of Maj’Eyal can be downloaded […]

From Around The Site

In case you missed them, here’s some things from around the site to check out! First is our com­ic book pod­cast, head­ed up by Jason and the Back Issues Crew. If you haven’t lis­tened to them gab about their passion, […]

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