Howdy ho, internet-arinos! No, this isn’t an April Fools joke. We are actually back to regular publishing! Good to see you here again. I have the utmost pleasure of presenting to you… SuperNerdLand Volume 1, Issue 1 First I want […]
Howdy ho, internet-arinos! No, this isn’t an April Fools joke. We are actually back to regular publishing! Good to see you here again. I have the utmost pleasure of presenting to you… SuperNerdLand Volume 1, Issue 1 First I want […]
(Moderate Spoilers Ahead!) Often when I watch films, I end up scrutinizing a plot and the theories or philosophy behind it. There are times I find that a particular work has the bones to be truly great, but something — whether a […]
In the modern world of gaming, “mobile” is looked at as kind of a dirty word. It conjures up images of abusive freemium games and the same app icon of a guy looking very angry with his mouth open. The […]
One of the things that I find most enjoyable about putting together these magazine issues is hunting around for an interesting title to put in as the “Free Pack-in Game.” Searching around nigh randomly for a game that sticks out […]
April 2019 isn’t the biggest month for monster releases. With an exception for the budget minded Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, the upcoming fighter coming to PS4, XB1, and Switch for $20 (with a Steam release coming this […]
While I admit to being a stan for the original Dreamworks feature, scheduling issues prevented me from seeing How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World before the second-to-last day that it was available in my local theater, and I […]
(Editor’s Note: This is a repost from the wonderful Christian Kaleb, orginally posted on https://www.ckaleb.com/. You can find more of his writing there, or help support his upcoming book Sword of The Nation by visiting his Patreon here!) August 2002 […]
Mythology. Fables. Tall tales. It is not unusual for ancient items to have incredible stories surrounding them, how they came to be, how they became renown, why they are held in contempt, and sometimes why they must be avoided. More often […]