In the modern world of gaming, “mobile” is looked at as kind of a dirty word. It conjures up images of abusive freemium games and the same app icon of a guy looking very angry with his mouth open. The […]
In the modern world of gaming, “mobile” is looked at as kind of a dirty word. It conjures up images of abusive freemium games and the same app icon of a guy looking very angry with his mouth open. The […]
Let’s talk about licensed games. Licensed video games are notorious for being soulless cash grabs, and with good reason. For every Goldeneye 64 or Darkwing Duck, there’s a dozen games like Chicken Run for the Game Boy Color. This may […]
https://supernerdland.com/pod/misc/BHPost.mp3 Join a bit of the crew as they discuss the aftermath of the disastrous Bully Hunters event from 4/12. This was recorded on the Sunday afterwards (4/15) and was only just uploaded now because I am a […]
(Editors Note: This article has been updated with a new YouTube video embed. The one we originally had posted with Blue Meanie talking about his experience used is now linked to a terminated YouTube account. We have also added a new video […]
Hi! My name’s Demetri. I like board games a whole lot. Let’s talk about ‘em. If you’ve been on the internet over the last few years you’ve probably noticed that more and more people are talking about card and board […]
There are many signs you’re a toxic gamer. They do indeed exist — but they’re not actually what most non-gamers think, nor what parts of the gaming press like to allude to. Video game communities are not as simple as those around sports, […]
Editor’s Intro: This piece is actually more than a month old. Due to a variety of reasons, it didn’t have the time to get whipped into shape until just recently. Our intent is not to dig up old drama, but to expose […]
There is a genre of game that I have a certain fondness for, and given that this is the Halloween issue I bet you can guess what genre that is. Indeed, horror games hold a spot close to my heart. […]
https://supernerdland.com/video/Label_yo_shit.mp4 There has been a lot said online about Vice’s recent article regarding Forza Horizons 3 and the state of Australia. But I don’t think the main issue is the fact that there is shoehorned politics in that piece. […]