Planetes Review

I’ve been more a fan of ani­me in the past than I have been more re­cent­ly, but nor­mal­ly the best of what I watch of ani­me ends up be­ing some of my fa­vorites of me­dia in gen­er­al. My tastes in […]

An Introduction to Gunpla

I don’t usu­al­ly write, so this may be a bit awk­ward at first, but I want­ed to in­tro­duce you to a pas­sion of mine, and that is Gunpla. For those out there that don’t know, Gunpla is Gundam Plastic Model […]

Something Stinks In Visual Novels, and It’s Not The Sex Scenes

Visual nov­els are get­ting a big push late­ly on Steam. It seemed the flood gates opened at some point, and we are now awash with the medi­um on the plat­form. I gen­er­al­ly view this as a good thing de­spite visual […]

Pack-in Game of the Month: Roguelight

This mon­th’s pack-in game is an ab­solute­ly charm­ing lit­tle plat­former by Daniel Linssen (AKA Managore). Roguelight is a free (or pay your own price) game plat­former whose gim­mick is that you use your lim­it­ed num­ber of fire ar­rows to light […]