I’ve been more a fan of anime in the past than I have been more recently, but normally the best of what I watch of anime ends up being some of my favorites of media in general. My tastes in […]
I don’t usually write, so this may be a bit awkward at first, but I wanted to introduce you to a passion of mine, and that is Gunpla. For those out there that don’t know, Gunpla is Gundam Plastic Model […]
Something Stinks In Visual Novels, and It’s Not The Sex Scenes
Visual novels are getting a big push lately on Steam. It seemed the flood gates opened at some point, and we are now awash with the medium on the platform. I generally view this as a good thing despite visual […]
Pack-in Game of the Month: Roguelight
This month’s pack-in game is an absolutely charming little platformer by Daniel Linssen (AKA Managore). Roguelight is a free (or pay your own price) game platformer whose gimmick is that you use your limited number of fire arrows to light […]