SuperNerdLand - Vol. 0, Issue 2 (August 2016)

I’ve Got Next: Put Your Quarter Up!

An idea I’ve seen per­pet­u­at­ed over and over by the me­dia is that gam­ing is not di­verse enough. They make false claims that gam­ing is a Cis Het White Male™®© dom­i­nat­ed hob­by, con­trary to the ubiq­ui­ty of Twitch chan­nels and […]

From Around Our Youtube

If you don’t much vis­it our Youtube page — and you should go there now and sub­scribe you scrubs — then you may have missed our love­ly Star Citizen and Line of Defense streams! It was some­thing else… The first part is amus­ing enough, es­pe­cial­ly after […]