I’ve Got Next: Put Your Quarter Up!

An idea I’ve seen perpetuated over and over by the media is that gaming is not diverse enough. They make false claims that gaming is a Cis Het White Male™®© dominated hobby, contrary to the ubiquity of Twitch channels and [...]

eSports Is Getting Big, And Here Are The Scandals To Prove It

With the overall gaming market getting larger every year, we’ve seen a similar rise in the prominence of eSports. A near $100 billion dollar industry is spawning $20 million dollar DOTA 2 tournaments, and coverage of Street Fighter V hit [...]

From Around Our Youtube

If you don't much visit our Youtube page -- and you should go there now and subscribe you scrubs -- then you may have missed our lovely Star Citizen and Line of Defense streams! It was something else... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=St70YLdNPv0&ab_channel=SuperNerdLand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlGp3hP_gZE&ab_channel=SuperNerdLand The [...]