Game Review: Claire

(Disclaimer: The copy of this game played was pur­chased by the re­view­er.) In the spir­it of the Halloween sea­son, I want­ed to re­view a spooky game that I nor­mal­ly don’t hear on the tip of peo­ple’s tongues, but one that […]

Scary Games Vs Horror Games

There is a genre of game that I have a cer­tain fond­ness for, and giv­en that this is the Halloween is­sue I bet you can guess what genre that is. Indeed, hor­ror games hold a spot close to my heart. […]

Pack in Game of the Month: Town of Salem

Town of Salem a turn based Flash game by Blank Media Games is a game that you can play for free in an in­ter­net brows­er or on your mo­bile de­vice, all you need to do is sign up for an ac­count. The […]