About Us

Hello and wel­come to our hum­ble home. Thanks for com­ing to Super Nerd Land! Double thanks for click­ing here and read­ing this! Let us tell you a lit­tle about our­selves while you are here.

We are Super Nerd Land, and we are here to bring you cov­er­age on things re­lat­ed to nerd cul­ture. We want to bring you cov­er­age on games, both tra­di­tion­al and video. We also want to high­light tech­nol­o­gy and how it ef­fects us and helps us grow. We want to in­form of the new but also give rev­er­ence to what has come before.

We hope that over time we can grow to cov­er oth­er ar­eas as well. Mediums like comics, TV, movies, books and more have helped us grow into the peo­ple we are to­day. We want to hon­or the marks these have left on our­selves and cul­ture at large.

We know we are noth­ing with­out you, our read­ers and view­ers. We strive to cre­ate with our own pas­sion, but we are here for you. If you have some­thing you would like cov­ered, let us know here. If we are not up­hold­ing the stan­dards we have set forth then please let us know. We work to be as trans­par­ent as can be and want to fo­cus on qual­i­ty of not just con­tent but of community.

We em­brace the cre­ator cul­ture that is grow­ing ever more preva­lent these days. It’s nev­er been eas­i­er to strike out and cre­ate your own con­tent, ex­plore your own nich­es, and in­ter­act with your com­mu­ni­ty. That is what we are about here at Super Nerd Land. We hope to be not only en­ter­tain­ing, not just in­for­ma­tive, but to also help show peo­ple how they can cre­ate their own future.

We want to re­new the en­thu­si­asm of the en­thu­si­ast press. We are not here be­cause it is our job. We are here be­cause it is our passion.

Hope you en­joy the ride, and thanks for tun­ing in!