Hello again internetarinos! It’s that time of the month again! Wait, that could have been worded better…
Welcome to another issue of SuperNerdLand Magazine!
So what is going on around our parts, what’s new, and what are we up to? Glad you asked. And even if you didn’t, I will tell you anyway.
I first want to give a hearty welcome to a couple of new additions to the site! We are happy to add Robert Throne (@plasmarob on Twitter) and his wife to the roster. Plasmarob comes to us as a contributor to the writing side of the site, as well as bringing skills that could help shore up some of the back end aspects of stuff as we go into the future. His wife, StormyDLoA, has joined on as another editor, hopefully being able to catch the things that pass by me in the future! You can see her editing work done on Plasmarob’s The Gaming Seed of Heroes piece in this issue.
You may have already noticed by now that things are looking a bit different around here! That’s right, I finally got to updating the theme and look of the site. Massive shoutout to Themesaga for this theme. We’ve had to do our own customizations, of course. But their Magazine Elite (we’re using the free, not Pro) theme provided a fantastic base. I am still tweaking things here and there, especially with the added Night Mode toggle. Night Mode might still have an object or two that is a little too dark, but the meat and potatoes of the site should be 100% viewable regardless.
Something that is getting migrated due to the UI change are podcasts and our LIVE page. After a lot of thought, it was apparent it would be better for me to put podcasts and the live page on their separate subdomains. That way each bit of content can be served in a manner that fits it specifically (helpful for the front and the back ends), and that way the magazine issue delivery can be focused more. Currently, podcasts are still available on the main site via direct link, with their own pages coming soon!
Four Years of SuperNerdLand
The other thing of note happening this month will be doing some of the final polishing on our Fediverse social network node, and it going live for internal poking. Hopefully, public consumption by the end of June will be possible! The only real thing I need to do is tweak some more of the CSS, because bless their hearts but most programmers for fediverse software are not the best at UI/UX. Expect more word on that soon.
Another bit mentioned in previous letters to you has been the PeerTube install. I am going to get to that soon, but it is still not a primary concern as we have our own self-hosted videos rocking already. It would just be nice to test out how P2P delivery of video may help some of our users out there with poorer internet, though. So I swear I am getting to that.
Something I do want to briefly mention before letting you get on with the article reading is our custom streaming service and my series on build-up said self-hosted streaming. Currently, I am going through a very tight financial situation, so the fee that would have gone to WMSPanel went to other things and that is shut off for the next couple of weeks. We’ll get that cranked back on ASAP, and in the July issue you will get part two of said series on self-hosted streaming!
That is actually as good a segue as any into something I am pretty bad at typically, which is promoting the ways you can help support SuperNerdLand! We have a Patreon and a Subscribestar up as options to help SuperNerdLand pay the bills and grow. Believe me, the reading and sharing of our content is first and foremost to us. We are not going anywhere either way, but if you ever wanted to help us in other ways then know we appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts.
I won’t keep you anymore, though. Click down below the author box or over on the right and check out the fantastic content our authors have for you this month!

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