Coming Down the Pike — April 2019 Game Releases


April 2019 isn’t the biggest month for mon­ster re­leas­es. With an ex­cep­tion for the bud­get mind­ed Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, the up­com­ing fight­er com­ing to PS4, XB1, and Switch for $20 (with a Steam re­lease com­ing this sum­mer) that I know a few of the SuperNerd group is ex­cit­ed to check out.

It should ben­e­fit from a month that looks to be most­ly punc­tu­at­ed by Switch ports of fan fa­vorite games.

Upcoming ports for April com­ing to the Switch in­clude Darksiders Warmastered Edition, Cuphead, with Final Fantasy X/X‑2 HD and Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age round­ing it all out.

Another game folks might find in­ter­est­ing is the PS4 and PC port of Zanki Zero: Last Beginning, an ani­me dun­geon crawler from Spike Chunsoft.

A ti­tle I am keep­ing an eye on per­son­al­ly is God’s Trigger, a top down ac­tion game that looks very much in the vein of Hotline Miami or the more re­cent Ape Out.

When pre­sent­ed with Vile Monarch’s Weedcraft Inc. lo­cal nerdite Killer Tofu was heard to say, “Ayy DUDE WEED LMAO.”

Check out the ma­trix be­low for April re­leas­es! What games are you look­ing for­ward to this month?

Title: Platform: Date:
Darksiders Warmastered Edition NS April 2, 2019
Sword & Fairy 6 PS4 April 2, 2019
Death Mark PC April 4, 2019
Islanders PC April 4, 2019
OVERWHELM NS April 4, 2019
Dance of Death: Du Lac & Fey PC April 5, 2019
Monster Slayers NS April 5, 2019
Super Dragon Ball Heroes World Mission NS, PC April 5, 2019
Yet Another Zombie Defense NS April 5, 2019
RAD PC April 8, 2019
Dangerous Driving XO, PS4, PC April 9, 2019
Vaporum XO, PS4, NS April 9, 2019
Zanki Zero: Last Beginning PC, PS4 April 9, 2019
The Mystery of Woolley Mountain Mac, PC, NS April 10, 2019
Weedcraft Inc. PC April 11, 2019
Final Fantasy X/X‑2 HD Remaster NS, XO April 16, 2019
My Time at Portia XO, PS4, NS April 16, 2019
Trüberbrook XO, PS4, NS April 17, 2019
Cuphead NS April 18, 2019
God’s Trigger XO, PS4, PC April 18, 2019
Sigma Theory: Global Cold War PC, Mac, Linux April 18, 2019
Aggelos XO, PS4, NS April 25, 2019
Cytus α NS April 25, 2019
Vambrace: Cold Soul PC, Mac April 25, 2019
Yuppie Psycho PC April 25, 2019
Fade to Silence XO, PS4, PC April 30, 2019
Bow to Blood: Last Captain Standing NS, XO, PS4, PC April 2019
Deck of Ashes PC April 2019
Deep Diving Simulator PC April 2019
Golem Gates NS, XO, PS4 April 2019
Pixel Noir PC, Mac, Linux April 2019
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid NS, XO, PS4 April 2019
Super Crate Box NS April 2019

(Dates via, dates sub­ject to change.)

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Josh has worked in IT for over 15 years. Graduated Broadcasting school in 2012 with a fo­cus on A/V pro­duc­tion. Amateur pho­tog­ra­ph­er with a pas­sion to make things work… by any means nec­es­sary. Editor-in-Chief and do-er of tech things at SuperNerdLand

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