Coming Down the Pike – June 2019 Game Releases

So June is­n’t chock full of amaz­ing re­leas­es, but that does­n’t mean it is­n’t with­out a few highlights.

First, that comes to mind is the hype that Switch own­ers will be hav­ing over the up­com­ing Super Mario Maker 2. I can­not lie, if I had a Switch then I would be more ex­cit­ed as well.

The same goes for Crash Team Racing which is com­ing out for PS4, Xbox One, and Switch this month. We have heard sol­id word on a PC port of this beloved ti­tle, but we re­main con­fi­dent of one in the fu­ture giv­en the re­lease of the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy on Steam. Another game that I am sad to not see on PC yet is Samurai Shodown. We are sure that one is go­ing to be a blast.

The ti­tle I am look­ing for­ward to was al­ready en­joyed im­mense­ly by Switch own­ers in 2018. Octopath Traveler is com­ing to Steam this month, and I per­son­al­ly can­not wait to fi­nal­ly get my hands on this one.

There were a hand­ful of oth­er ti­tles that were la­beled as be­ing re­leased in Q2 2019 or “First Half 2019” that I de­cid­ed not to list here be­cause if they haven’t giv­en a sol­id re­lease date with­in the month then I can­not be as­sured they won’t be delayed.

Any games you are look­ing for­ward to that are com­ing out this month or lat­er this year? Let us know!


Title Platform Date
Knighty Night PC June 3, 2019
Kotodama: The 7 Mysteries of Fujisawa NS, PS4, PC June 4, 2019
Reventure PC June 4, 2019
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II PS4 June 4, 2019
Trover Saves the Universe PC June 4, 2019
Warhammer: Chaosbane PS4, XO June 4, 2019
Barotrauma PC June 5, 2019
Swords & Souls: Neverseen PC June 5, 2019
Road to Guangdong PC June 6, 2019
Octopath Traveler PC June 7, 2019
Dragon Star Varnir PS4 June 14, 2019
Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled NS, PS4, XO June 21, 2019
DATE A LIVE: Rio Reincarnation PS4 June 21, 2019
Heavy Rain PC June 24, 2019
Judgment PS4 June 25, 2019
Monster Jam Steel Titans PC, PS4, XO June 25, 2019
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden NS June 25, 2019
Redeemer: Enhanced Edition NS, PS4, XO, PC June 25, 2019
Samurai Shodown NS, PS4, XO June 25, 2019
Fujii PC June 27, 2019
The Sinking City PC, PS4, XO June 27, 2019
War Tech Fighters NS,PS4, XO June 27, 2019
F1 2019 PC, PS4, XO June 28, 2019
Super Mario Maker 2 NS June 28, 2019
Warsim: The Realm of Aslona PC June 28, 2019
Blazing Chrome NS, PS4, PC June 30, 2019
Kursk Linux, P4, XO June 30, 2019
Proto‑G PC June 2019
Steel Division II PC June 2019
Ultracore NS, PS4, PS Vita June 2019

(Dates via, dates sub­ject to change.)

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Josh has worked in IT for over 15 years. Graduated Broadcasting school in 2012 with a fo­cus on A/V pro­duc­tion. Amateur pho­tog­ra­ph­er with a pas­sion to make things work… by any means nec­es­sary. Editor-in-Chief and do-er of tech things at SuperNerdLand

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