Free Pack-in Game of the Month: Kaiju Super Datetech

One of the things that I find most en­joy­able about putting to­geth­er these mag­a­zine is­sues is hunt­ing around for an in­ter­est­ing ti­tle to put in as the “Free Pack-in Game.”

Searching around nigh ran­dom­ly for a game that sticks out and can keep my at­ten­tion for more than five min­utes is al­ways an in­ter­est­ing voy­age. I avoid demos and tri­al ver­sions from big­ger pub­lish­ers and devs, so get­ting some­thing that can re­al­ly tick­le you all is of the ut­most importance.

This is why I am so hap­py to present this months ti­tle. Kaiju Super Datetech.

Ho boy. This one is a hoot.

The ba­sic premise, as de­scribed by the dev, is as follows: 

A Giant Monster has ap­peared in Kyoto II! 

The city’s only hope is for you and your com­pa­ny to con­struct a Colossal Robot, ma­neu­ver your cre­ation to the tar­get crea­ture, and… ask it out to din­ner? Or a film? Or something?

Cooperate in build­ing a per­fect match for the kai­ju, and com­pete against ri­val com­pa­nies to ro­mance the lone­ly mon­ster in KAIJU SUPER DATETECH!”

And what you read there sums up this ex­pe­ri­ence well. Taking the premise of “Why can’t we talk to the mon­sters?” to its log­i­cal ex­treme is great, and it’s ex­e­cut­ed well in this game. It’s up to you to help save the world by get­ting all dolled up for the Kaiju threat. Do you have what it takes to be the sex­i­est world saver ever?

Developer Powerhoof of­fers the game on a “Name your own Price” ba­sis, with the abil­i­ty to play for free! But if you have fun with the ti­tle, and got the cash to spare, maybe buy them a coffee?

If you need to kill some time with some­thing that will make you laugh and is fun to boot, head on over to their page and give Kaiju Super Datetech a whirl!

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.
Josh has worked in IT for over 15 years. Graduated Broadcasting school in 2012 with a fo­cus on A/V pro­duc­tion. Amateur pho­tog­ra­ph­er with a pas­sion to make things work… by any means nec­es­sary. Editor-in-Chief and do-er of tech things at SuperNerdLand

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