Howdy ho, internet-arinos!
No, this isn’t an April Fools joke. We are actually back to regular publishing!
Good to see you here again. I have the utmost pleasure of presenting to you…
SuperNerdLand Volume 1, Issue 1
First I want to thank the wonderful Alexander “Minze” Thümler! He graciously allowed us to use his artwork for the April cover, and besides being a nice dude… He is a fantastic artist! You should check out his ArtStation profile for more of his work.
Though this technically isn’t the first time we’ve published content in a magazine format, this will be how articles are released going forward. You can see our previous testing of a magazine format from back in 2016 over here, which we’ll just call a beta test of the format. Volume 0, so to speak.
I’ve explained how well it works for us as far as publishing schedules goes, but it also seems to work well for people out in internet land too. Magazine issues spiked audience numbers, articles accessed per user session, bounce rate… everything was better. So it makes sense to return to this format as we start to reinvigorate the site.
Over the next month we are going to be a bit of busy bees, as we start to ramp up streaming again, work on a new theme for the main site, testing out self-hosted federated options for video sharing and social networking, and more!
So what does some of this stuff entail? Glad you asked! Wait, I asked? Well, let me tell you about it anyway.
Custom/Self-Hosted Streaming — We had a solution up in the past allowing for custom streaming from our own server, with a lot of advanced features that were easily maintained thanks to some panel software called WMSPanel and using their free Nimble Streamer application. It’s a wonderful solution, in all honesty. The only reason it is not running now is budget.
Frankly, the license for the WMSPanel became too much as a lot of us became pretty tight last year. So it was an easy budget saver to just nix the custom streaming, since there are plenty of services like Twitch to use in the meantime.
We will get our self-hosted streaming back up and running, though. And soon! Because we have more flexibility on our own server and are subject only to our data center AUP, so we can stream all the lewd games we want. Plus it’s just fun to develop it. Whether we use something like WMSPanel again or if I build up something else (even a simple nginx RTMP setup would work at first) is to be determined, but the streams shall ride again!
New Theme and Logo — It’s just that time, to be honest. We try to refresh the look and feel of the site every year or so, and it’s long time I went and did that again. Nothing much fancy to say here. Just that things will (hopefully) look prettier but functionality will remain or become even better! We’re going to try to make this the best looking version of SuperNerdLand to date. A big thing will be trying to focus more on a look and feel that will work well with the magazine format, but won’t stop people from being able to read regularly published articles from the past at all.
Federated Video and Social Networking — Firstly, if you don’t know what I mean when I say “Federated” or “Fediverse” then go ahead and get a quick primer here. It’s painless, I promise. We’ll still be here.
Now that you are back with me; a couple of years ago we tested the waters with putting up a fediverse node (that also had cross posting with Twitter!) but it didn’t really take off. It was just the start of social media sites being iffy with censorship and platform revocation, and I just don’t think people were taking alternatives seriously enough yet.
Well, it’s only gotten worse since then.
So we are going to be putting up a node again! You’ll be able talk to all your friends on the fediverse, and hopefully still post to, and read from, Twitter if I choose the right back end.
But what does this mean for video? The old video site is going to stay up for a while, but soon I am going to be testing something called PeerTube. You can find out more details about PeerTube here, but the gist is that it’s a federated FOSS alternative to services like YouTube using P2P video delivery. The federated nature of the service I hope can add an extra pool of folks who can discover our content.
Our normally hosted video site will be staying up in the meantime, but if the service works well enough, and after we import all of our current video library to it, we could see it being a healthy replacement.
So that’s what will be going on behind the scenes here in the next month or so, besides us getting back into regularly scheduled publication. Speaking of which, much like last time we released magazine issues, you can expect us here every month!
As always I want to thank you for being on this journey with us. Since day one this has been a passion project of mine and the others who congregate here. But even in our slower times, we maintained a lovely group of people who enjoy our presence on social media, and we thank you for sticking around even when there was nothing in return for it besides our support for many of you and the unending dad level jokes I make on the Twitter account.
So come on in, stay a while, and enjoy the collected works within SuperNerdLand Volume 1, Issue 1!

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