
IssueM Articles

Wasted Potential: It Follows

(Moderate Spoilers Ahead!) Often when I watch films, I end up scru­ti­niz­ing a plot and the the­o­ries or phi­los­o­phy be­hind it. There are times I find that a par­tic­u­lar work has the bones to be tru­ly great, but some­thing — whether a […]

Parasite Eve (PS1): A Reliquary Review

Mythology. Fables. Tall tales.  It is not un­usu­al for an­cient items to have in­cred­i­ble sto­ries sur­round­ing them, how they came to be, how they be­came renown, why they are held in con­tempt, and some­times why they must be avoid­ed. More often […]

Game Review: Claire

(Disclaimer: The copy of this game played was pur­chased by the re­view­er.) In the spir­it of the Halloween sea­son, I want­ed to re­view a spooky game that I nor­mal­ly don’t hear on the tip of peo­ple’s tongues, but one that […]