Scrumpmonkey is here with a fantastic interview with tabletop game dev James “Grim” Desborough, talking about tabletop dev and industry aspects.
Don’t Just Stand there Gawking, Do Something! A Guide to Ending Gawker
The past week has been an event filled one for critics of Gawker Media. John is here to assess the damage and offer advice on proper consumer advocacy
Creating Digital Worlds: An Interview With AAA Developer Ethan James Petty
Today we have a great interview with game developer Ethan James Petty talking about creating worlds, industry trends and more!
E3 2015 After Thoughts: The Business of E3
Scrumpmonkey takes a bit of a look at the business end E3, and why this big, dumb, loud, expensive show is good for its own reasons.
Magic The Gathering: Star City Games Capitulating to Outrage Culture is a Blow to Meritocracy
Scrumpmonkey dissects what kind of message Star City Games sends to the community when they capitulate to outrage culture.
Global Gamers, Global Developers: Five Developers off the Beaten Track
Scrumpmonkey touches on five different game development studios from areas you might not think of when it comes to powerhouse game development studios
Magic the Gathering: WTF is Cube?
Scrumpmonkey is here to give you a overview and some tips when building and drafting a Cube.
Global Developers, Global Gamers: A Different Kind of Diversity
Scrumpmonkey begins a series where he looks at the Global Gaming and Development scene, and lays bear the reductive reasoning made by some progressives.
Developer Interview: PixelMetal
Scrumpmonkey proveribally sits down with Nick Robalik AKA PixelMetal to talk about his upcoming game Sombrero, game development and more!