Well hello nerdites!
It’s been a while since I put virtual pen to paper as to update you all on what we are doing, or to even write any glorious hot takes, news reports or reviews. We’ve been in a bit of a maintenance mode on SuperNerdLand the past year, but with reasons I’ll detail farther in.
The main thrust of this announcement is to say that we are coming back in more a form like we were in our first couple of years! Meaning we’ll be publishing something more than once every two months… laugh with me people. There we go.
I do want to thank all of you that stuck around our social media, and even the new fans that we’ve gotten despite being highly inactive on our main site. You all are in for some good times coming up.
I try not to use anxiety and depression as an excuse for things, but they can certainly be pointed to as a reason events may occur. And that is a big reason I’ve personally been less active on the front end of SuperNerdLand. Between working through my own mental health issues, and other more household concerns I’ve had recently, producing content ended up being the last thing on my mind at times. Sad to say.
Not to say nothing was going on with us during the time I was bit more funky.
I kept up work on the back end of things, and working on projects like a more cost-effective (read: free) custom streaming solution. Not to mention that (quite intentionally) I always split off the most productive creators into their own areas, and been helping the absolutely lovely lads of OGChan.com and Graded Point Five, as well as helping the Adventures of Piper site get off the ground. Not to mention getting into video projects with the perennial @SuperiorEditMan, whose projects like Godzilla vs Gigan: Abridged and Club Penguin: Vietnam War are hosted over on our video site.
Now that I’m done shilling those talented and lovely folks, what are we doing over here?
Well I’m glad you asked. Or I asked? However that works.
We (read: me) are kicking into higher gear and are going to get back into steady publishing and streaming. It’s amazing how even something like playing games with friends or streaming can be seemingly that much harder when mental health issues are knocking at your brain harder. But that digression is for a different piece.
I want to let you all know what we are going to be doing in the upcoming weeks.
Well, first thing first is that we are going to head back into a magazine-esque publishing schedule. We had tested this out back in 2016 (you can read the archives here), and it worked out fantastically well. It was a lot of fun getting covers made, scheduling posts, giving everyone enough time to get something in if they want while also working within deadlines. Which that last part is important when working a site on a volunteer basis like we do. It’s easy to let things slide into idleness when you are needing to focus on what will keep a roof over your head from week to week and working through mental funks.
But the magazine format solved a lot of issues, and it was fun internally. It also fits us more into this “fanzine” image that I always had for us. So yeah. Magazine issues coming back soon! Like, April soon.
In fact, if I can get the issue out on April 1st… well that would just be perfect. All things considered.
Another thing I need to do very soon is refresh the look of the site. I don’t hate it, but it’s time for a fresh coat of paint. I’ve tried to do that every year or so anyway. It allows me to do some spring cleaning a bit on the back end, and I can get into a theme that more fits the magazine focus. This will come likely soon after the magazine issue relaunch, because I would rather get some content out for you all first before giving the site a makeover.
The last big thing is that I want to start getting back into is having our own custom streaming solution again. We were working with a 3rd party control panel software and open source streaming program combo (WMSPanel/Nimble Streamer for those interested), and it worked great. But we needed to cut costs. And to be frank, we can create something for free for our more limited use cases.
I’m just not a fan at all of any of the video hosting and streaming sites out there, and I do not enjoy their censorship or terms of service. So why not handle our own streaming if we have our own server.
So getting back into our own self-hosted streaming is a big thing I want to get back up before summer. I might also take a look at optimizations to our video streaming site. I’m happy enough with how it is, but I do need to get it encoding differently sized files so that people with low-bandwidth can still load video fine. Right now it takes whatever we upload to the site and just wraps a player around it with no processing. That has its pros and cons. I plan on writing about it.
Sorry for letting the site collect a bit of dust, so to speak. Those on Twitter know we never really went away. We just got lazy!
I will leave you all to your day, and I do hope it is a wonderful one. I’m going to go edit and format the pile of articles I’ve been sitting on for three months now so we can kick it into fifth gear as we are getting out of this rut.
Stay frosty everyone, and remember to be awesome to one another.

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