Heels & Heroes Ep. 6: Sakura Genesis and Supercard of Honor

Heels and Heroes
Heels and Heroes 
Heels & Heroes Ep. 6: Sakura Genesis and Supercard of Honor

Welcome, marks and mar­kettes, to an­oth­er episode of Heels and Heroes wrestling pod­cast. It’s been a busy cou­ple weeks here, with ma­nia week­end and all, but we’re back to cov­er more NJPW and Ring of Honor. This week, we tack­le RoH’s Supercard of Honor and (briefly) New Japan’s Sakura Genesis. First, the boys give their thoughts on the Golden Lovers v Hangman Page and Cody, Marty Scurll v Will Ospreay, and Okada v Zachary Sabre Jr. After that, we move on, dis­cussing the en­tire­ty of Supercard of Honor, but fo­cus­ing on the big match­es. We talk about the Bucks and Flip tak­ing on SoCal Uncensored (and some un­in­vit­ed guests) in the lad­der match. We lament the Best Bout Machine, Kenny Omega, in his match with the Three Star Savior, Cody. Finally, we wrap up with a match be­tween two of our fa­vorites, Marty Scurll and Dalton Castle. As al­ways, thanks for listening.

You can find the pod on Twitter, @HeelsHeroesPod, as well as the rest of us, me, @HellboyIsMyHero, Dean, @MadOnTheNet, Grg, @CryptykNumidium, and Birb, at least un­til he’s banned again, @MonarchMagpie.

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Evan “Lobster” Johnson

Showrunner for Heels and Heroes pod­cast, and all around de­cent dude. He *may* like Hellboy a lit­tle bit.

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