Let's Derp About

GwenBlanketKnight and Spoony Panda derp about and talk shop about gam­ing, from old to new. 

Let’s Derp About Episode 7 — Evolution of RPGs

Let's Derp About
Let’s Derp About 
Let’s Derp About Episode 7 — Evolution of RPGs

Gwen and Spoony Panda are back! This time talk­ing about the his­to­ry and evo­lu­tion of RPGs, a genre near and dear to many of our hearts.

Let’s Derp About Episode 6 — Death Mechanics

Let's Derp About
Let’s Derp About 
Let’s Derp About Episode 6 — Death Mechanics

GwenBlanketKnight and Spoony Panda are back with Episode 6! Talking shop about per­madeath, saves and check­points, and var­i­ous oth­er death and loss me­chan­ics in games!

Let’s Derp About Episode 5 — Western Vs Eastern ARPGs

Let's Derp About
Let’s Derp About 
Let’s Derp About Episode 5 — Western Vs Eastern ARPGs

Spoony Panda and GwenBlanketKnight are back! Today they are here to talk about the dif­fer­ences and sim­i­lar­i­ties be­tween Western and Eastern ARPG design.

Let’s Derp About Episode 2 — Traditional Games and Their Influence on Video Games

Let's Derp About
Let’s Derp About 
Let’s Derp About Episode 2 — Traditional Games and Their Influence on Video Games

Traditional Games and Their Influence on Video Games