We3 This week, Jason, Dick, Jamie and John talk We3, animal experiments, and all sorts of fun, feel-good stuff. Oh, and cyborg animals. Can’t forget them.
We3 This week, Jason, Dick, Jamie and John talk We3, animal experiments, and all sorts of fun, feel-good stuff. Oh, and cyborg animals. Can’t forget them.
Superman: Red Son This week, Jason, Dick, Jamie and Mike discuss the reality in which Kal-El lands in the Soviet Union, and becomes the Man of Steel under a Communist regime.
The Death of Captain Marvel This week, Jason, Dick, and Jamie discuss the one comic book death not to be completely reverted. Cancer, Thanos, and Death all make appearances, as off-color jokes.
Old Man Logan This week, Jason, Dick, Jamie, and special guest Fetusberry talk Old Man Logan. The adventures of Logan, years after the fall of Earth’s superheroes, and the rise of the villains.
Transmetropolitan This week, Jason, Dick, and Jamie talk Transmetropolitan, and how we are living in a sci-fi dystopia of our own machinations. Also, Bowel Disruptors and Info-Pollen.
Gotham by Gaslight This week, Jason, Dick, and Jamie talk Emperor Doom. More Doom, more awesomeness, more bowing to the greatness that is Doom. We love Doom, and so should you.
Gotham by Gaslight This week, Jason, Dick, Jamie and Scrump talk Batman: Gotham by Gaslight. Semi-Steampunk Batman, fighting Jack the Ripper. Good story.
Doom & Strange: Triumph & Torment This week, Jason, Dick, Jamie and Darrell talk Dr Strange, but mostly Dr Doom. Much exultation of Doom. Doom is the most benevolent. Doom for President.
The Invisibles This week, Jason and Dick fly solo, talking about the mindfuck that is The Invisibles. Conspiracy theory, magic, gods, monsters, men, and the psychedelic Godhead of John Lennon all feature.