John shares his personal experiences of recent GamerGate meetup in Birmingham UK
GamerGate and SPJ Airplay: Questions and Thoughts on Where We Go
Josh is here with his thoughts on what Airplay gained for GamerGate and where the consumer revolt goes from here
Global Developers, Global Gamers: Progressive Racism and the American-Centric Universe
John is here with his Global Develpers, Global Gamers series. Today touching on progressive racism in how the PC crowd handles European Culture.
The Truth About the Gamer Stereotype
A Guest post & Opinion Piece by @DreadMorgan on the truth about the “Gamer” stereotype.
Global Gamers, Global Developers: The Uniquely Ukrainian S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Series
Scrumpmonkey is here to highlight a great global game series, the Uniquily Ukrainian S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
Global Gamers, Global Developers: Five Developers off the Beaten Track
Scrumpmonkey touches on five different game development studios from areas you might not think of when it comes to powerhouse game development studios
Global Developers, Global Gamers: A Different Kind of Diversity
Scrumpmonkey begins a series where he looks at the Global Gaming and Development scene, and lays bear the reductive reasoning made by some progressives.
The Death of Games Journalism — Part 7 [FINALE] : For Games by Gamers
Scrumpmonkey is here today with the final part of his series, The Death of Games Journalism. Today he talks about an industry for gamers, by gamers
The Death of Games Journalism — Part 6: The Degeneration of Games Writing
Scrumpmonkey brings part six of his multi-part series on The Death of Games Journalism. Today he goes into the degeneration of games writing.