#StopWebH8 is looking to address internet harassment. Scrumpmonkey asks for ALL web harassment to be addressed, and looks at the case of GamersGate.com
The Death of Games Journalism Part 1: Journalism 101
Scrumpmonkey details the downfall of Games Journalism in his first of a series of articles
Confessions of a Shitposter, or A Trip into Dante’s Digital Inferno
I started my latest foray into the digital world as a hippie, filled with love and compassion. I saw the world through rose-colored glasses, with no clouds in the sky. I thought I could rise above it all and just […]
A Citizen’s Primer To Censorship
A brief primer on issues of censorship and how it can effect governments, organizations and individuals.
Konami, Kojima, and the Future
Kojima Productions has been shut down, and Hideo Kojima is off the executive board of Konami. How bad could it be? Here is our best case scenario
Welcome to Reddit — The Site Where The Mods Hate You and the Votes Don’t Matter
Reddit moderators have been naughty, and recently released chat logs highlight their shenanigans and censorship
Iconic Characters in Video Games
An opinion article by John B about what makes video game characters iconic.
To Chan or Not to Chan
(Update 2/14/2016: This article had been written when we first launched the site, and were on AdSense at the time. The original version of this piece had the word “faggot” in it twice. We had gotten an email from AdSense […]
Storytelling in Games
An essay on storytelling in video games