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On today’s SuperNerdLIVE, the crew talks about toxicity in the gaming community, the straw men that the media builds around it, and game journalists roles in spreading toxicity.
On today’s SuperNerdLIVE, the crew talks about toxicity in the gaming community, the straw men that the media builds around it, and game journalists roles in spreading toxicity.
Join us as we take a look at the ESA’s 2017 Essential Facts for the Computer and Video Game Industry. Brought to you by Play-Asia! Other Sources: https://venturebeat.com/2016/10/13/only-6-of-americans-will-own-a-vr-headset-in-2016/ http://overflow.solutions/demographic-data/what-percentage-of-american-homes-have-a-computer/ Intro Music: Neil Cicierega — Tiger