Pack-in Game of the Month: Tales of Maj’Eyal

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Tales of Maj’Eyal: Age Of Ascendancy , a rogue­like de­vel­oped by Darkgod and his team, and is one of the most es­sen­tial rogue­like ex­pe­ri­ences you can play to­day. Keeping in spir­it with the orig­i­nal Rogue, Tales of Maj’Eyal can be down­loaded for free from, or can be pur­chased off Steam as a way to do­nate to the developer.

Where Tales of Maj’Eyal shines is what it adds to the per­madeath lev­el quest for­mu­la –which are what I would con­sid­er ob­vi­ous ad­di­tions. It bor­rows a bit from Diablo in that you can cus­tomize your class and find ran­dom­ly gen­er­at­ed loot in a pro­ce­d­uar­l­ly gen­er­at­ed world — though the game does have a stan­dard over-world. It does every­thing that Diablo did and made it turn based. This gives the play­er a nice mix of choice while keep­ing the game­play trot­ting on for­ward. There’s plen­ty of game­play on dis­play; in ad­di­tion to your tra­di­tion­al ad­ven­ture mode, there’s an Arena mode sim­i­lar to what we first saw in Oblivion, and an in­fi­nite dun­geon to keep more in the tra­di­tion­al feel of a rogue­like — just with no end. If you’re look­ing for a deep game­play ex­pe­ri­ence with pages and pages of ex­pert­ly craft­ed lore and a won­der­ful set­ting, this is the game for you.

Download Tales of Maj’Eyal


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Killer Tofu is the only ac­cept­able form of tofu out there. When not writ­ing about games and in­ter­net cul­ture he en­joys long walks on the beach with your mom. But he won’t call her afterwards.

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