Josh Bray

Josh has worked in IT for over 15 years. Graduated Broadcasting school in 2012 with a focus on A/V production. Amateur photographer with a passion to make things work... by any means necessary. Editor-in-Chief and do-er of tech things at SuperNerdLand

From the Editor (April 2019)

Howdy ho, internet-arinos! No, this isn’t an April Fools joke. We are ac­tu­al­ly back to reg­u­lar pub­lish­ing! Good to see you here again. I have the ut­most plea­sure of pre­sent­ing to you… SuperNerdLand Volume 1, Issue 1     First I want […]

Godzilla vs Gigan: Abridged

Godzilla vs Gigan: Abridged (Direct down­load link here) (Bitchute Mirror) Eric Kain is a lewd artist try­ing to get big in the Japanese hen­tai in­dus­try but his ob­ses­sion with Traps holds him back. This at­tracts the at­ten­tion of busi­ness savvy Turks […]