(Key provided by the publisher for coverage) Watch as Josh tries to learn how to play Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic while some of the gang makes fun of him for being semi-retarded! You can get the game on […]
(Key provided by the publisher for coverage) Watch as Josh tries to learn how to play Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic while some of the gang makes fun of him for being semi-retarded! You can get the game on […]
Disclaimer: Armored Core is over 20 years old. Expect spoilers here. ‑Introduction- Over the years, thousands of games have come out across multiple systems. Literally thousands. Some are of extraordinary value monetarily, some are of equal value in terms of content. […]
Josh Bray goes into his thoughts on how Games won out over faux outrage at E3 2015, and how we are getting a diverse medium that is still growing.
Part two of three of a series. Tom O’ Bedlam details the depths of his messianic head trip