Josh Bray

Josh has worked in IT for over 15 years. Graduated Broadcasting school in 2012 with a focus on A/V production. Amateur photographer with a passion to make things work... by any means necessary. Editor-in-Chief and do-er of tech things at SuperNerdLand

Game Review: Claire

(Disclaimer: The copy of this game played was pur­chased by the re­view­er.) In the spir­it of the Halloween sea­son, I want­ed to re­view a spooky game that I nor­mal­ly don’t hear on the tip of peo­ple’s tongues, but one that […]

Planetes Review

I’ve been more a fan of ani­me in the past than I have been more re­cent­ly, but nor­mal­ly the best of what I watch of ani­me ends up be­ing some of my fa­vorites of me­dia in gen­er­al. My tastes in […]