Does Horizon Zero Dawn push “Feminist Propaganda?”

Developer Guerrilla Games have been ac­cused by some folks of putting “fem­i­nist pro­pa­gan­da” in their new­ly re­leased game, Horizon Zero Dawn. Do these ac­cu­sa­tions hold up once you’ve ac­tu­al­ly played the game? The Furious Mulatto explains.

Disclosure: The copy of Horizon Zero Dawn played was pro­vid­ed by

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Furious Mulatto

The un­for­tu­nate re­sult of in­ter­ra­cial breed­ing and co­pi­ous amounts of men­tal ill­ness. When he can be calmed from his hal­frican rages, The Furious Mulatto is still an ob­nox­ious cunt that makes you wish late term abor­tions were legal.

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