Heels and Heroes Ep. 5: RoH 16th, NJ Cup, and ULTIMATE DELETION

Heels and Heroes
Heels and Heroes 
Heels and Heroes Ep. 5: RoH 16th, NJ Cup, and ULTIMATE DELETION

In this week’s episode of Heels and Heroes, your boys re­cap the Ring of Honor 16th Anniversary show, talk a lit­tle New Japan Cup and give their thoughts on the ULTIMATE DELETION of Bray Wyatt and the evil spir­it, Sister Abigail. On the top­ic of RoH 16, we put over Flip Gordon, Hiromu Takahashi, Dalton Castle, and Jay Lethal for their great per­for­mances. We also dis­cuss how we some­how cheered for Cody against Matt Taven. Moving on, to the NJPW cup, we talk the sto­ry of the tour­na­ment, name­ly ZSJ’s sub­mis­sion of the top names in NJPW. Finally, we take a look at the dele­tion of the man known as Bray Wyatt and his bath in the Lake of Reincarnation. (We most­ly try to fig­ure out whether the WWE will ac­tu­al­ly give Bray a fresh start)

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Evan “Lobster” Johnson

Showrunner for Heels and Heroes pod­cast, and all around de­cent dude. He *may* like Hellboy a lit­tle bit.

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