Heels and Heroes Podcast Episode 4: New Beginnings Osaka and Honor Rising

Heels and Heroes
Heels and Heroes 
Heels and Heroes Podcast Episode 4: New Beginnings Osaka and Honor Rising

As usu­al, the boys set­tle down and talk some wrestling. In this episode, we re­cap New Japan’s New Beginnings Osaka and Ring of Honor’s Honor Rising events. First, we dis­cuss how every match be­tween Los Ingobernables de Japon and their ri­vals in CHAOS is in­cred­i­ble.  After, we (I) move onto how much bet­ter YOSHI HASHI is as a heel. Then, in ad­di­tion to the match­es in Osaka, we dis­cuss the RoH-NJPW crossover show, but some­how main­ly fo­cus on the great­ness of Dalton Castle, the tal­ent and mis­for­tune of Beretta, and the shit­ti­ness of Beer City Bruiser. Oh yeah, and we talk the re­turn of the GOLDEN LOVERS, who def­i­nite­ly aren’t gay, okay? Seriously. And on top of that, we hit the Bullet Club dra­ma and the most re­cent episodes of Being The Elite. Thanks for help­ing push Super Nerd Land into more wrestling con­tent and, as al­ways, thanks for listening.

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Evan “Lobster” Johnson

Showrunner for Heels and Heroes pod­cast, and all around de­cent dude. He *may* like Hellboy a lit­tle bit.

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