Heels and Heroes Episode 3: Bullet Club is FINE

Heels and Heroes
Heels and Heroes 
Heels and Heroes Episode 3: Bullet Club is FINE

This week the boys watch and re­view NJPW’s New Beginning in Sapporo. We cov­er the match­es, the an­gle with Bullet Club, and talk at length about whether Kenny Omega and Kota Ibushi are lovers or just close. Like re­al­ly close. Wake up cud­dling on the couch close. They’re not gay, though. We swear. Not that it would be wrong. Disregarding that, we chat about whether Bullet Club is fine (it is­n’t) and fan­ta­sy book our dream Bullet Club split. To our own em­bar­rass­ment, we dis­cuss how Juice Robinson and Hangman Page melt our icy hearts and, to our cred­it, how Elgin vs. Kitamura turn our soft hearts to stone.


Also I said I’d post this… so here goes. — Evan


The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.

Evan “Lobster” Johnson

Showrunner for Heels and Heroes pod­cast, and all around de­cent dude. He *may* like Hellboy a lit­tle bit.

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