Heels and Heroes Ep 2- Wrestle Kingdom 12 Review

Heels and Heroes
Heels and Heroes 
Heels and Heroes Ep 2- Wrestle Kingdom 12 Review

The boys re­view New Japan Pro Wrestling’s Wrestle Kingdom 12 and New Year’s Dash shows. We talk all the match­es of each night, what we thought about the new en­trances, who and which match­es im­pressed, and what we think and hope is hap­pen­ing go­ing for­ward. We break down the best match­es, in­clud­ing Naito-Okada, Jericho-Omega, Suzuki-Goto and the fa­tal 4 way be­tween Hiromu Takahashi, Will Ospreay, Marty Scurll, and KUSHIDA, and dis­cuss what we think is hap­pen­ing with Bullet Club go­ing for­ward. Oh, and we don’t shit on EVIL as much as last time. Maybe we’re go­ing to turn face?

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Evan “Lobster” Johnson

Showrunner for Heels and Heroes pod­cast, and all around de­cent dude. He *may* like Hellboy a lit­tle bit.

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