I’m just going to open with this: Boku No Pico is the most revolting piece of trash I have ever been forced to sit through. And I did it twice. I’m not sure if it’s the fact this thing is based on an adult clearly trying to groom and bed a crossdresser so young his balls ain’t even dropped yet. However, I have a strong suspicion that this fact is what drives my revulsion. For the first time in my life, I am not sure there are enough drugs for me to fulfill my mission. Surely, if I die here, please clear my browser history.
I had to fucking Wiki Boku No Pico AND watch it. That shit is in my browser history. I lament the fact I didn’t realize to use incognito mode or the like before I got this far. If you hear the phrase “I have the weirdest boner, right now” from me by the end of this… please forgive me and chalk it up to momentary insanity that is worse than usual.
The story is just fucking bizarrely simplistic. Dude meets a crossdressing kid, then basically turns him into a sex object. They fight, then they reconcile. I mean, it’s no fucking Shakespeare, but I think even ol’ Will would be pretty opposed to writing obvious butt stuff with a 10 year old crossdresser.
The kid’s MAYBE 13, young enough to be naïve enough to get with this guy who’s in his 20’s or possibly early 30’s. And wow, they really go out of the way to emphasize the fact this little kid has a dick. It’s emphasized in damn near every shot of him. I’m not even out of the credits, and there’s a dude just jerking this kid off. Then, five seconds into the actual thing, they’ve got the kid having ice cubes shoved up his ass. Japan needs to get it’s shit together. The kid would probably fucking prolapse on the guy’s dick. I’m talking just a straight up pink sock hanging out of the kid. Not a thrilling prospect, I should say.
What the fuck? Just be glad it’s not a pink sock.
I do have to find it funny that the elder pervert in this situation is introduced watching age-appropriate women before becoming entranced with the pre-pubescent crossdresser. It’s like Lolita with big eyes and small mouths. And a lot less using someone, and far more using them for sex. Should this kid even HAVE a sex drive? You’re college age, and have nearly two feet on the poor kid. You’re a fucking reprehensible human being. Sadly, so am I, for voluntarily watching this garbage, even if it is for a laugh.
Even during the scenes where they’re trying to establish a feel of tenderness, Pico comes across as a blank slate that exists only to fulfill the fantasies of the viewer. This is kind of fucked up, because this means the viewer wants to be blown by a grade-school student who sounds like he’s trying to suck a tangerine through a hose.
Now, as for the sexual content, this is tame. Aside from shoving ice cubes up someone’s ass, I’ve actually done everything in here with willing adults. Hell, my butt stuff at least doesn’t sound like I’m trying to plunge out a stuck-up toilet. Seriously, sound guys, get your shit together. Though, I must ask: how does this kid even fit this guy’s dick into his ass? He’s like 3 feet tall. Jesus H. Christ, on a pogo stick. That little kid came like half his goddamn bodyweight. Get the little slut a Gatorade, he needs to rehydrate like right fucking now.
It’s really just 30 minutes of this.
What’s with the sound effects? Truly, sound effects in this show are a pile of garbage. Have these degenerate shut-ins never actually had sex? Wait, no, forget I even asked that. The potential answers scare me. A male’s penis does not make stretching noises when it gets hard. Seriously, what the ever-loving fuck am I watching? The sound effects are like listening to a man trying to eat a bowl full of oranges. If sex sounded like this, I’d still be a virgin, gladly.
Having watched this, I have to say, it’s just not that bad. I mean, I find it personally objectionable due to it having a kid, but there’s worse out there. I was a little uncomfortable, at first, but… Well, just like butt stuff, you gotta grow used to it. Ease yourself into it, so to speak. It’s still pretty damn badly done, though. Not to mention the fact the main characters are just fantasy fulfillment stand-ins. And just think, there’s 2 more episodes of this degenerate filth.
I have the weirdest boner right now.

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