John Sweeney
John Sweeney is a terribly British man with a background in engineering. He writes long-form editorial content with analysis of gaming, games media and internet culture. He also does the occasional video game retrospective with a weekly column about Magic the Gathering thrown in for good measure. He also does most of our interviews for some reason, we have no idea why. A staunch supporter of free speech and consumer rights; skeptical of agenda driven media and suspicious of unaccoutable authority but always hopeful for change.
Magic The Gathering on a Budget: Pauper
The Death of Games Journalism — Part 7 [FINALE] : For Games by Gamers
The Death of Games Journalism — Part 6: The Degeneration of Games Writing
Magic The Gathering: Modern Masters 2015 — The Worst of Both Worlds
The Death of Games Journalism — Part 5: A History of Corruption
The Death of Games Journalism — Part 4: The Mobile Menace
GamerGate in D.C. — The Full Story: Camaraderie and Bomb Threats
The Business of Games Journalism: A Conversation with Alexander Macris
The Death of Games Journalism — Part 3: Woman Problems
Developer Interview: Crowned Daemon Studios