John Sweeney
John Sweeney is a terribly British man with a background in engineering. He writes long-form editorial content with analysis of gaming, games media and internet culture. He also does the occasional video game retrospective with a weekly column about Magic the Gathering thrown in for good measure. He also does most of our interviews for some reason, we have no idea why. A staunch supporter of free speech and consumer rights; skeptical of agenda driven media and suspicious of unaccoutable authority but always hopeful for change.
GamerGate One Year On: The Power of the Narrative
GamerGate One Year On: GamerGate Is…
Magic the Gathering on a Budget: Getting the Right Mana Base
Global Developers, Global Gamers: Progressive Racism and the American-Centric Universe
Global Developers: An Interview With Warhorse Studios
Magic The Gathering: Magic Origins — Armed and Dangerous Clash Pack Review
Games Media, Callout Culture and Gamers: an Interview With Ian Miles Cheong
Nerd News: Gawker’s Editor in Chief and Executive Editor Resigns
Magic the Gathering: Coverage of Magic Products is Fundamentally Flawed
Global Gamers, Global Developers: The Uniquely Ukrainian S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Series