Site News 7/6: Announcement and Community Features

EiC and webadmin Josh Bray is here with your site news for July, including a recent partnership and the status of our community features!


Greetings nerdites! Your friend­ly neigh­bor­hood EiC and web ad­min here with a small site update.

My aren’t we grow­ing well? That is the what the stats tell us at least. Week on week growth is what we show, and we are not even in our fi­nal form! It’s as­tound­ing for a small set­up like ours — and humbling.

We can’t prop­er­ly ex­press how ex­cit­ed we are that we are re­ceived so well. We are fo­cus­ing on cov­er­ing gam­ing and the geek sphere in a slight­ly dif­fer­ent way than most sites, and you have shown us there is an au­di­ence there for it! There is a mar­ket for thought­ful analy­sis, there is a mar­ket for these view­points that haven’t been a fo­cus of the main­stream gam­ing press. There is a mar­ket for a site that doesn’t treat its au­di­ence like a com­mod­i­ty to be served up to the high­est bidder.

With my un­end­ing pas­ta spillage be­cause of you fine folks cov­ered, let’s get you all up to speed on a cou­ple of hap­pen­ings over here at SuperNerdLand.


Just re­cent­ly we were ap­proached by Liam Crowter, who is the mind and body of Liam and Powergamer have a very sim­i­lar ide­ol­o­gy be­hind the cre­ation of their site as we did with SuperNerdLand. To cre­ate a stan­dards dri­ven al­ter­na­tives to the cur­rent gam­ing press; To make sites that will treat their au­di­ence with re­spect and will es­chew the tra­di­tion­al mon­e­ti­za­tion method of squeez­ing au­di­ence eye­balls for max­i­mum CPMs and con­ver­sions. You can read more of our view on that from our last site up­date. is in the state of evolv­ing, though. And that is where we — and some oth­er sites — come in. is look­ing to grow into some­thing more of a con­tent ag­gre­ga­tor, as well as build up a com­mu­ni­ty around it all. You can find out more from their an­nounce­ment on the mat­ters here.

As such, they reached out to sites that ad­here to sim­i­lar ideas on stan­dards and com­mu­ni­ty ap­pre­ci­a­tion. Sites like and our­selves (com­mence blush­ing) to start pulling con­tent from once Powergamer makes the switch to their new form lat­er this year.

After dis­cussing it with the crew, we are more than hap­py to throw our hat into the prover­bial ring!

So what does this mean for SuperNerdLand? Well, re­al­ly it’s a pure ben­e­fit to us. At least as we see it. is built with very sim­i­lar stan­dards to our own, so we are proud to team up with them. This con­tent part­ner­ship in no way gives any ed­i­to­r­i­al con­trol over us by Powergamer, nor us over them.

What this con­tent part­ner­ship means is: sites that agree to part­ner with Liam and Powergamer will have some of their con­tent ag­gre­gat­ed on their site, along with oth­er sites. This is won­der­ful to us, since we are not ad-based. Our fo­cus is on qual­i­ty con­tent, and that con­tent be­ing able to reach as many will­ing eyes as pos­si­ble. To us, so long as some­one is view­ing, com­ment­ing on, and ap­pre­ci­at­ing the con­tent… it doesn’t mat­ter to us whether it was viewed on our side of the fence or another’s.

What does this mean for Well you would have to read up on their state­ments here, and talk with Liam about specifics, but they are es­sen­tial­ly just build­ing a sta­ble of qual­i­ty con­tent cre­ators to be able to pull con­tent from to ag­gre­gate for the com­mu­ni­ty at large.

Right now, every­thing is still in the build­ing and plan­ning phas­es. You will see a new sec­tion on our side­bar start­ing to­day, though, which has a link to and an­nounces them as a “Content Partner.” This was the only caveat Liam gave for the ag­gre­ga­tion agree­ment, and some­thing we would have want­ed to do any­way. So it cer­tain­ly works out for the both of us go­ing forward.

Until then, I do urge you to go check out if you do not al­ready! As he says, he doesn’t have the time to up­date every­day but the con­tent he has cer­tain­ly has a fo­cus on qual­i­ty over quantity.

Community Features

They are fi­nal­ly coming!

Smaller bit of pon­tif­i­cat­ing on this as­pect. I just want to an­nounce where they stand.

Due to be­ing busy do­ing work that ac­tu­al­ly pays my bills (every­one is a vol­un­teer here at SuperNerdLand), and cer­tain events like E3 and hol­i­days that oc­curred, our com­mu­ni­ty fea­tures launch got a bit de­layed. They are not for­got­ten though!

The back­bone for the com­mu­ni­ty fea­tures is al­ready es­tab­lished. In fact, all  the func­tions are there now! It is just a mat­ter of fi­nal­iz­ing some fea­tures, get­ting it themed and look­ing nice, and test­ing that are left. So ex­pect fo­rums, user pro­files, groups, mes­sag­ing, user blogs and more very soon!

We are go­ing to be test­ing these fea­tures in­ter­nal­ly this week, and next week we shall grab a few au­di­ence mem­bers to beta the fea­tures a bit. The plan is to have every­thing up and run­ning for folks by July 17th! We are so ex­cit­ed. You have no idea.

That wraps up our cur­rent hap­pen­ings, be­sides our con­stant pur­suit to craft qual­i­ty con­tent for you all. As al­ways, I want to give my most heart­felt thank you to our au­di­ence. We could sit here all day and rant, pon­tif­i­cate, and an­a­lyze the in­dus­try to our hearts con­tent. Without our au­di­ence, we are noth­ing. We may make the con­tent, but you are SuperNerdLand.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.
Josh has worked in IT for over 15 years. Graduated Broadcasting school in 2012 with a fo­cus on A/V pro­duc­tion. Amateur pho­tog­ra­ph­er with a pas­sion to make things work… by any means nec­es­sary. Editor-in-Chief and do-er of tech things at SuperNerdLand

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