Greetings nerdites! Your friendly neighborhood EiC and web admin here with a small site update.
My aren’t we growing well? That is the what the stats tell us at least. Week on week growth is what we show, and we are not even in our final form! It’s astounding for a small setup like ours — and humbling.
We can’t properly express how excited we are that we are received so well. We are focusing on covering gaming and the geek sphere in a slightly different way than most sites, and you have shown us there is an audience there for it! There is a market for thoughtful analysis, there is a market for these viewpoints that haven’t been a focus of the mainstream gaming press. There is a market for a site that doesn’t treat its audience like a commodity to be served up to the highest bidder.
With my unending pasta spillage because of you fine folks covered, let’s get you all up to speed on a couple of happenings over here at SuperNerdLand.
Just recently we were approached by Liam Crowter, who is the mind and body of Liam and Powergamer have a very similar ideology behind the creation of their site as we did with SuperNerdLand. To create a standards driven alternatives to the current gaming press; To make sites that will treat their audience with respect and will eschew the traditional monetization method of squeezing audience eyeballs for maximum CPMs and conversions. You can read more of our view on that from our last site update. is in the state of evolving, though. And that is where we — and some other sites — come in. is looking to grow into something more of a content aggregator, as well as build up a community around it all. You can find out more from their announcement on the matters here.
As such, they reached out to sites that adhere to similar ideas on standards and community appreciation. Sites like and ourselves (commence blushing) to start pulling content from once Powergamer makes the switch to their new form later this year.
After discussing it with the crew, we are more than happy to throw our hat into the proverbial ring!
So what does this mean for SuperNerdLand? Well, really it’s a pure benefit to us. At least as we see it. is built with very similar standards to our own, so we are proud to team up with them. This content partnership in no way gives any editorial control over us by Powergamer, nor us over them.
What this content partnership means is: sites that agree to partner with Liam and Powergamer will have some of their content aggregated on their site, along with other sites. This is wonderful to us, since we are not ad-based. Our focus is on quality content, and that content being able to reach as many willing eyes as possible. To us, so long as someone is viewing, commenting on, and appreciating the content… it doesn’t matter to us whether it was viewed on our side of the fence or another’s.
What does this mean for Well you would have to read up on their statements here, and talk with Liam about specifics, but they are essentially just building a stable of quality content creators to be able to pull content from to aggregate for the community at large.
Right now, everything is still in the building and planning phases. You will see a new section on our sidebar starting today, though, which has a link to and announces them as a “Content Partner.” This was the only caveat Liam gave for the aggregation agreement, and something we would have wanted to do anyway. So it certainly works out for the both of us going forward.
Until then, I do urge you to go check out if you do not already! As he says, he doesn’t have the time to update everyday but the content he has certainly has a focus on quality over quantity.
Community Features
They are finally coming!
Smaller bit of pontificating on this aspect. I just want to announce where they stand.
Due to being busy doing work that actually pays my bills (everyone is a volunteer here at SuperNerdLand), and certain events like E3 and holidays that occurred, our community features launch got a bit delayed. They are not forgotten though!
The backbone for the community features is already established. In fact, all the functions are there now! It is just a matter of finalizing some features, getting it themed and looking nice, and testing that are left. So expect forums, user profiles, groups, messaging, user blogs and more very soon!
We are going to be testing these features internally this week, and next week we shall grab a few audience members to beta the features a bit. The plan is to have everything up and running for folks by July 17th! We are so excited. You have no idea.
That wraps up our current happenings, besides our constant pursuit to craft quality content for you all. As always, I want to give my most heartfelt thank you to our audience. We could sit here all day and rant, pontificate, and analyze the industry to our hearts content. Without our audience, we are nothing. We may make the content, but you are SuperNerdLand.

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