Persona is a game series that means a lot to many different people. Originally splitting from the Shin Megami Tensei series, Persona 1, known as Revelations: Persona was released in 1996 and has continued to be a staple JRPG series […]
Persona is a game series that means a lot to many different people. Originally splitting from the Shin Megami Tensei series, Persona 1, known as Revelations: Persona was released in 1996 and has continued to be a staple JRPG series […]
Mythology. Fables. Tall tales. It is not unusual for ancient items to have incredible stories surrounding them, how they came to be, how they became renown, why they are held in contempt, and sometimes why they must be avoided. More often […]
Disclaimer: Armored Core is over 20 years old. Expect spoilers here. ‑Introduction- Over the years, thousands of games have come out across multiple systems. Literally thousands. Some are of extraordinary value monetarily, some are of equal value in terms of content. […]
Part II – Which Way Now? Ah, welcome back dear reader! I see that for some unknown reason you have returned to my office seeking the sum total of my bountiful wisdom. I’m glad to see you again, sorry for forgetting […]
(Disclaimer: Review copy of game provided by Play-Asia.com. Play-Asia link is an affiliate link.) There are few games that make a big enough impact on us to make us want to play them again and again, over and over. In my […]
(Disclaimer: The copy of the game reviewed was purchased by the reviewer. Game reviewed on Playstation Vita.) If you’re any sort of anime fan, you’ve more than likely heard of the Fate series. Originally known for being a visual novel, […]
With the overall gaming market getting larger every year, we’ve seen a similar rise in the prominence of eSports. A near $100 billion dollar industry is spawning $20 million dollar DOTA 2 tournaments, and coverage of Street Fighter V hit […]
Another E3 has come and gone, and with it comes the things we are actually excited for beyond the noise typical of the event. This year was a tad off pattern, though. John goes into it more in his editorial […]
Virtual Reality is touted to be the next big new thing. Except it really isn’t, but that is for a different article. This time it’s different! Right? We have more processing power attached to the headsets folks are now strapping […]