
Aladdin (2019) Review

I bet you all have at least one movie that af­fect­ed you in one way or an­oth­er in your life­time. For me, this was the 1992 re­lease of Disney’s Aladdin that I first watched when I was about 11 years […]

Detective Pikachu Review

Is it any sur­prise, giv­en my han­dle on this site, that I, along with my part­ner, made it manda­to­ry for us to see Detective Pikachu in the­aters? Detective Pikachu, brought to us by Warner Brothers and Legendary Pictures, was re­ceived with optimism […]

Wasted Potential: It Follows

(Moderate Spoilers Ahead!) Often when I watch films, I end up scru­ti­niz­ing a plot and the the­o­ries or phi­los­o­phy be­hind it. There are times I find that a par­tic­u­lar work has the bones to be tru­ly great, but some­thing — whether a […]

Movie Review: Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange is a movie I’ve been an­tic­i­pat­ing ever since it was an­nounced, and I know I’m not alone. You’ll be pleased to learn Marvel Studios con­tin­ues ac­ing their high-wire act of cre­at­ing non-stinkers and, de­pend­ing on your taste, has produced […]

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