Let’s talk about licensed games. Licensed video games are notorious for being soulless cash grabs, and with good reason. For every Goldeneye 64 or Darkwing Duck, there’s a dozen games like Chicken Run for the Game Boy Color. This may […]
The Modern Board Game Starter Pack
Hi! My name’s Demetri. I like board games a whole lot. Let’s talk about ‘em. If you’ve been on the internet over the last few years you’ve probably noticed that more and more people are talking about card and board […]
Standard Addition: Interesting Cards from Shadows Over Innistrad Release
(Author’s note: The contents of this article reflect the views of the author, not SuperNerdLand as a whole.) In yesterday’s article, we reflected on the contributions by the top cards of Khans of Tarkir and Fate Reforged, the two sets from […]
Standard Rotation: Khans of Tarkir and Fate Reforged to say “Goodbye” April 8th, 2016
(Author’s note: The contents of this article reflect the views of the author, not SuperNerdLand as a whole) In just a few days, the newest Magic: The Gathering set will hit the shelves for players to experience. While we’re excited to […]
Magic: The Gathering Pre-release Guide; Or, How to Survive the Creeping Horrors of Shadows Over Innistrad
This Friday marks the first of the pre-release events for Magic: The Gathering (MtG)’s newest addition to its family, Shadows Over Innistrad, and we at SuperNerdLand are dedicated to helping you survive the night – if not walk away victorious […]
Banned and Restricted list updates for Shadows Over Innistrad
With every new Magic: The Gathering (MtG) set released by Wizards of the Coast (WotC), there also comes changes to its Banned and Restricted list, which governs the cards one cannot play in formats like Modern, Legacy, and Vintage. Changes […]
Exiled from Play — An Interview with Magic: The Gathering Judge CJ Shrader
Pory gives us an interview with Magic: The Gathering L2 judge CJ Shrader
Multiple Magic: The Gathering judges to receive suspensions over their alleged involvement in recent set leaks
Pory covers the recent banning of multiple judges after Magic: The Gathering cards leaked.
Magic The Gathering: The Diary of a Beginner — Part One
Card games have always been something of a fascination to me since I was a child. They are games played so casually relaxed, but can suddenly be injected with moments of excitement when a powerful card is played that can […]