Ever since 2010’s “Rise of the Eldrazi,” Magic the Gathering fans were crying out for more of Magic’s gargantuan Lovecraftian antagonists. It had a lot to do with how unique the set was, and how fondly people remember that limited […]
Magic the Gathering Eternal Masters: Set Review
As the summer sets outside of regular Standard environment start to settle into their groove, Wizards of the Coast has yet again given us another tweak on their still rather young format of reprint sets. Eternal Masters is only the […]
Magic the Gathering: Eternal Masters & The Enthusiast Bubble
It’s time to have a discussion that wouldn’t fit in my main set review of Eternal Masters. The vast majority of Magic games are still “Kitchen Table” games, even those taking place at your local game store. The majority of […]
Magic: The Gathering — Shadows Over Innistrad Set Review
John is here to give us his review of Shadows Over Innistrad, the newest block of cards released for Magic The Gathering.
Standard Addition: Interesting Cards from Shadows Over Innistrad Release
(Author’s note: The contents of this article reflect the views of the author, not SuperNerdLand as a whole.) In yesterday’s article, we reflected on the contributions by the top cards of Khans of Tarkir and Fate Reforged, the two sets from […]
Standard Rotation: Khans of Tarkir and Fate Reforged to say “Goodbye” April 8th, 2016
(Author’s note: The contents of this article reflect the views of the author, not SuperNerdLand as a whole) In just a few days, the newest Magic: The Gathering set will hit the shelves for players to experience. While we’re excited to […]
Magic: The Gathering Pre-release Guide; Or, How to Survive the Creeping Horrors of Shadows Over Innistrad
This Friday marks the first of the pre-release events for Magic: The Gathering (MtG)’s newest addition to its family, Shadows Over Innistrad, and we at SuperNerdLand are dedicated to helping you survive the night – if not walk away victorious […]
Banned and Restricted list updates for Shadows Over Innistrad
With every new Magic: The Gathering (MtG) set released by Wizards of the Coast (WotC), there also comes changes to its Banned and Restricted list, which governs the cards one cannot play in formats like Modern, Legacy, and Vintage. Changes […]
Exiled from Play — An Interview with Magic: The Gathering Judge CJ Shrader
Pory gives us an interview with Magic: The Gathering L2 judge CJ Shrader