Super Nerd LIVE Episode Four — Your Argument Sucks

Gaming News

Skullgirls 2nd Encore Coming to PS Vita –‑5/

Skullgirls 2nd Encore is com­ing to PS Vita on April 5th. The game will fea­ture all of the reg­u­lar fea­tures of the game, as well as the down­load­able char­ac­ters, and new chal­lenges, tri­als, and a sur­vival mode.


Sega Now Publishing Atlas Games in the US –

Sega an­nounced that they will be the sole pub­lish­er of Atlas games for the US, and also in Europe. There will not be any larg­er changes to ei­ther brand.


Project Diva X is Coming West –

Sega an­nounced that they in­tend to bring Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X to the west in Fall 2016. The game has 30 playable tracks and 300 cos­tumes found through “loot drops” in the game. The game plays just like the ar­cade ver­sion of the game. The game will be avail­able in both dig­i­tal and phys­i­cal for­mats and will be on both the PS4 and PS Vita (Martyr is ex­cit­ed be­cause she sucks at the ar­cade ver­sion, but may be good at this one).


Bandai Namco Opening Up Virtual Reality Playland –

Bandai Namco is open­ing a Virtual Reality Center in Tokyo. Open from April 15th un­til October, “VR Zone: Project i Can” will be al­most 5,870 square feet, and will fea­ture a va­ri­ety of VR ex­pe­ri­ences, rang­ing from dri­ving a race­car, sav­ing a cat 200m above the ground, to es­cap­ing an aban­doned hos­pi­tal for a true hor­ror ex­pe­ri­ence. Sign ups start on April 8th.


Pokemon GO Details Dug Up And Revealed –

A Japanese field test of the high­ly an­tic­i­pat­ed Pokemon GO re­vealed a met­ric fuck­ton of data about the game. Many screen­shots were post­ed but quick­ly re­moved. The data that was found is full of in­for­ma­tion on how the game works, from what Pokemon are cur­rent­ly avail­able in this very ear­ly ver­sion (only the orig­i­nal 151), how gym badges will be earned, and in­for­ma­tion on “bio­mes” that could change what is go­ing on in the game. There also seems to pos­si­bly be a so­cial as­pect in “de­fend­ing gyms”. The game looks as though it’s liv­ing up to every de­sire that Pokemon fans have had for this game.


Blizzard to Make WoW Children’s Books –

Blizzard is part­ner­ing with Scholastic, the pub­lish­er that prob­a­bly spon­sored your el­e­men­tary school book fair, to pro­duce a new set of books for young read­ers. World of Warcraft: Traveler is a se­ries that tar­gets ages 8 – 12, us­ing great il­lus­tra­tions from Blizzard artists.


Round Table – Sexuality in Video Games

Recently, Overwatch came un­der fire be­cause of a pose that the spunky char­ac­ter Tracer did, which showed off her butt in de­tail, though still ful­ly clothed. Tracer had some con­tro­ver­sy when she was an­nounced be­cause of her out­fit, but that was not as dis­cussed as her ass. In ad­di­tion, Star Ocean 5 was changed for the west­ern re­lease, adding more un­der­wear to the char­ac­ter Miki. Some of the team was in­ter­viewed and lament­ed that “re­cent­ly, there’s been a lot of flak from over­seas coun­tries say­ing that if you put teens in ‘sex­u­al’ un­der­wear it’s not good, so we in­creased the amount of cloth­ing”. With many of the peo­ple who are putting pres­sure on game com­pa­nies to de­sex­u­al­ize women in these games claim­ing to be sex pos­i­tive, es­pe­cial­ly con­sid­er­ing the re­cent sit­u­a­tion sur­round­ing a Nintendo em­ploy­ee who claims she was fired be­cause Nintendo is afraid of fe­male sex­u­al­i­ty, how should game com­pa­nies re­act to these types of de­mands re­gard­ing their products?


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Lover of video games, met­al, and hard cider. Amateur video game mu­sic com­pos­er and YouTuber at Video Culture Replay. Armed with a de­gree in psy­chol­o­gy, she thinks she knows it all (and some­times ac­tu­al­ly gets it right). Also skilled with the oboe and wran­gling chil­dren. Catch her on Twitch over at

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