SuperNerdLand Reacts to Fullscreen/Fine Bros Fuckary

Fine Bros and Fullscreen are starting to exert control over the "React" format of videos. And that is just some bullshit.

Update 2/2/2015: Since the pub­lish­ing of this ar­ti­cle, The Fine Bros have apol­o­gized for their trade­mark­ing of “React” and their ac­tions sur­round­ing it, hav­ing Fullscreen re­scind copy­right claims on videos they had marked to be blocked world­wide. We can con­firm that our own video that was blocked is now able to be viewed. They have also tak­en back their trade­mark ap­pli­ca­tions and have de­cid­ed to dis­con­tin­ue React World. You can read more about the Fine Bros de­ci­sion here.

Youtubers talk­ing about their issues:

8‑bit Eric –‑BitEric

LeKevPlays –

Fine Bros statements:

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.
Josh has worked in IT for over 15 years. Graduated Broadcasting school in 2012 with a fo­cus on A/V pro­duc­tion. Amateur pho­tog­ra­ph­er with a pas­sion to make things work… by any means nec­es­sary. Editor-in-Chief and do-er of tech things at SuperNerdLand

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