
7 Signs You’re Not a Toxic Gamer

There are many signs you’re a tox­ic gamer. They do in­deed ex­ist — but they’re not ac­tu­al­ly what most non-gamers think, nor what parts of the gam­ing press like to al­lude to.  Video game com­mu­ni­ties are not as sim­ple as those around sports, […]

SuperNerdLIVE Episode 12 (Live 45)

SuperNerdLIVE Episode 12 (Live 45)

On to­day’s SuperNerdLIVE, the crew talks about tox­i­c­i­ty in the gam­ing com­mu­ni­ty, the straw men that the me­dia builds around it, and game jour­nal­ists roles in spread­ing toxicity.