
7 Signs You’re Not a Toxic Gamer

There are many signs you’re a tox­ic gamer. They do in­deed ex­ist — but they’re not ac­tu­al­ly what most non-gamers think, nor what parts of the gam­ing press like to al­lude to.  Video game com­mu­ni­ties are not as sim­ple as those around sports, […]

Gamers With Guns

Firearms own­er­ship is very preva­lent in the USA. About 23.1 mil­lion back­ground checks were con­duct­ed in 2015 alone — the high­est ever record­ed since the cur­rent sys­tem for back­ground checks was start­ed in 1998. Despite the glob­al­i­sa­tion of game de­vel­op­ment in the […]

I’ve Got Next: Put Your Quarter Up!

An idea I’ve seen per­pet­u­at­ed over and over by the me­dia is that gam­ing is not di­verse enough. They make false claims that gam­ing is a Cis Het White Male™®© dom­i­nat­ed hob­by, con­trary to the ubiq­ui­ty of Twitch chan­nels and […]

Gamers and Mental Health: You Are Not Alone

On January 4th 2015, I lost my fa­ther to a long bat­tle with can­cer. The pe­ri­od since then has been chal­leng­ing, with oth­er fam­i­ly ill­ness­es & tur­bu­lence. Along the way I’ve been di­ag­nosed with clin­i­cal de­pres­sion, some­thing I’ve strug­gled with […]