Letter from the Editor (May 2019)

We meet again! Fancy see­ing you around these parts.

It’s that time of the month again, so I need­ed to make sure I bang on about what’s been go­ing on around here, and talk about some bits and bobs re­gard­ing this month’s issue.

If this par­tic­u­lar let­ter seems rushed, it’s be­cause it is. You have a keen eye! I was get­ting hung up fi­nal­iz­ing some oth­er drafts of mine, so this one will be com­ing in very un­der the wire.

Before div­ing into things, I do want to give a shout out to David Nakayama. He’s not just a fan­tas­tic Marvel artist, but was an artist for City of Heroes as well! We’ve used some of his won­der­ful pro­mo­tion­al art­work for that game as this month’s cov­er. You should shoot over to his ArtStation pro­file and give his work a gan­der. You won’t be disappointed!

I also want to give you a heads up on a cou­ple of ar­ti­cles I had billed for be­ing pub­lished this month. Some folks had things come up, and just be gen­er­al­ly busy with life. As we are a very “Life First” op­er­a­tion here, we pushed those to next month’s is­sue. They are ever­green top­ics any­way, so it all works out. This just means next months is­sue is look­ing strong already!

Around the site I’ve been up to all the things I said I would be the last time we met. Some more than others.

When it comes to the Federated so­cial node, I do have one up and run­ning. I’ve cho­sen Friendica again, as it of­fers a lot of what I would want right out of the box. It also plays bet­ter with a larg­er num­ber of oth­er Federated node soft­ware. I’m still work­ing on form and func­tion, but I will be forc­ing ask­ing some of the SuperNerdLand peo­ple to help me beta test it soon™. One as­pect of it that I am ex­cit­ed about is that Friendica has bridge plu­g­ins to a lot of so­cial me­dia sites. I’ve al­ready got a Twitter bridge in­stalled, so that you can have all your Twitter posts du­pli­cate on your pro­file with us, and vice ver­sa. It’s a good thing.

I’ve also jumped head first back into get­ting our self-hosted stream­ing back off the ground! I’ve start­ed to de­tail the jour­ney lat­er in this is­sue, and I couldn’t be hap­pi­er to be tin­ker­ing with it again. The so­lu­tion for stream­ing that we use also al­lows us to re­stream to oth­er ser­vices still, so those who find view­ing us on our Twitch chan­nel more con­ve­nient are covered.

When it comes to PeerTube, I am still look­ing into get­ting that up and off the ground. I’m only one man, so can only do so much at a time. It’s also not the hugest pri­or­i­ty to me since we have our self-hosted video site over here still go­ing strong. But PeerTube is some­thing that I’m very in­ter­est­ed in putting up in par­al­lel for a time to test which one works bet­ter for peo­ple when it comes to us serv­ing video to folks.

There hasn’t been to much more of note on the site side of things be­sides that. Other than me work­ing on the best stream­ing sched­ule for my­self go­ing for­ward. I’m lean­ing to­wards Tuesdays and Thursdays, but we will see how that works out with work. And you can al­ways catch Martyr over on her Twitch chan­nel most Saturday’s at 9pm EST!

I won’t keep you here longer need­ed though, as you have oth­er ar­ti­cles to read! So click on through to them and en­joy the May 2019 is­sue of SuperNerdLand!

And re­mem­ber, be awe­some to each oth­er out there.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.
Josh has worked in IT for over 15 years. Graduated Broadcasting school in 2012 with a fo­cus on A/V pro­duc­tion. Amateur pho­tog­ra­ph­er with a pas­sion to make things work… by any means nec­es­sary. Editor-in-Chief and do-er of tech things at SuperNerdLand

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