Josh Bray

Josh has worked in IT for over 15 years. Graduated Broadcasting school in 2012 with a focus on A/V production. Amateur photographer with a passion to make things work... by any means necessary. Editor-in-Chief and do-er of tech things at SuperNerdLand

From Around Our Youtube

If you don’t much vis­it our Youtube page — and you should go there now and sub­scribe you scrubs — then you may have missed our love­ly Star Citizen and Line of Defense streams! It was some­thing else… The first part is amus­ing enough, es­pe­cial­ly after […]

E3 2016 Staff Picks

Another E3 has come and gone, and with it comes the things we are ac­tu­al­ly ex­cit­ed for be­yond the noise typ­i­cal of the event. This year was a tad off pat­tern, though. John goes into it more in his editorial […]

Site News — 7/3

Hello guys and gals! Little bit of a hol­i­day up­date for you this week­end. As every­one is off en­joy­ing cook­outs and fire­works, we are putting the fin­ish­ing touch­es on some­thing that we’ve talked about a lit­tle, but would like to […]

From Around The Site

In case you missed them, here’s some things from around the site to check out! First is our com­ic book pod­cast, head­ed up by Jason and the Back Issues Crew. If you haven’t lis­tened to them gab about their pas­sion, you […]