Cities: Skylines After Dark Expansion Annouced

Paradox Interactive recently announced an expansion pack for their acclaimed city builder, Cities: Skylines After Dark. Josh is here with the details



(Update: on 8/20/2015 Paradox Interactive an­nounced that the After Dark ex­pan­sion will be re­leased world­wide on September 24th, 2015. – – 127593)

Fans of the fan­tas­tic city build­ing game Cities: Skylines, from Paradox Interactive, have more rea­sons to re­joice for the beloved ti­tle. Paradox an­nounced — at Gamescom on August 7th — the new ex­pan­sion pack they have planned for the game. Titled Cities: Skylines After Dark, the new ex­pan­sion looks to add a much re­quest­ed day/night fea­ture to the game and in­cludes plen­ty of fea­tures and new es­tab­lish­ments, build­ings, and cit­i­zen be­hav­iors to Cities: Skylines.

Cities: Skylines had al­ready made it­self a fa­vorite among gamers, in no small part be­cause of the mod­ding and Steam Workshop sup­port for the game — not to men­tion just hav­ing a stel­lar play ex­pe­ri­ence that EA and Maxis should be weep­ing at.

Some of the oth­er fea­tures be­ing added, ac­cord­ing to their press re­lease and Gamescom 2015 con­fer­ence, are some sound­ing like some great additions.

We have new spe­cial­iza­tions com­ing, in­clud­ing a leisure zone for com­mer­cial prop­er­ties which Paradox says will come into play with the new cit­i­zen be­hav­iors that come with the day/night cy­cle. They also men­tion a re-tooled po­lice sta­tion with jails and trans­porta­tion for pris­on­ers in their con­fer­ence, which should be interesting.

Other ex­cit­ing fea­tures com­ing in the After Dark ex­pan­sion pack in­volve beach­es and beach­front prop­er­ty for day­time en­ter­tain­ment, pris­ons for the more row­dy of your cit­i­zens, taxis and oth­er new trans­porta­tion meth­ods for your drunk­en par­ty go­ers, ad­di­tions to the in-game Chirper plat­form, and gen­er­al graph­i­cal im­prove­ments to the engine.

Reading the de­tails, it’s sound­ing like After Dark will be a must have ex­pan­sion; much like Rush Hour was to Simcity 4.

So far, the only hard re­lease de­tails are that it will be com­ing out in 2015. There has not been sol­id re­lease date set yet, nor a price point men­tioned but we will make sure to keep you posted!

You can read more about it over at the Paradox Interactive page, as well as read the con­tents of the press re­lease below:

STOCKHOLM – Aug. 7, 2015 – Paradox Interactive, a pub­lish­er of games and a fan of twi­light, re­vealed at Gamescom to­day the first ex­pan­sion to Cities: Skylines,the best-selling city-builder from Colossal Order. The new ex­pan­sion, ti­tled “After Dark,” will bring new fea­tures to mayor-players every­where, in­clud­ing new spe­cial­ized ar­eas, new city ser­vices and op­tions, new trans­porta­tion sys­tems, and lots of new chirps for the world’s fa­vorite game char­ac­ter. In ad­di­tion, After Dark will add new graph­i­cal en­hance­ments and cit­i­zen be­hav­ior to Cities: Skylines with its cen­tral fea­ture – a day-and-night cycle.

Turn down the lights and bask in the neon glow of the new After Dark trail­er.

In After Dark, mayor-players’ in-game cities will go from day to night and back again, and their bustling burgs will look – and be­have – dif­fer­ent­ly. New leisure-focused com­mer­cial ar­eas will be­come pop­u­lar nightspots, with cit­i­zens flock­ing to night­clubs, karaoke bars, and oth­er down­town des­ti­na­tions when their day is done. During the day, new­ly pop­u­lar beach­front prop­er­ties will do big busi­ness, in­clud­ing beach restau­rants, jet­s­ki rentals, and more. For cit­i­zens who have a lit­tle too much fun, the ad­di­tion of pris­ons will sort things out – while new taxi me­chan­ics will help night­time rev­el­ers get around ef­fi­cient­ly and safely.

After Dark will include:

  • Leisure and Luxury: Nightclubs, restau­rants, bowl­ing al­leys, and oth­er new leisure ar­eas will be­come es­pe­cial­ly ac­tive at night
  • Service with a Smile: New city ser­vices will trans­port crim­i­nals from po­lice sta­tions to pris­ons, while car­go hubs and in­ter­na­tion­al air­ports will al­low in­dus­try and tourism to ex­pand and thrive
  • Surf and Turf: Commercial ar­eas on the shore­line can spe­cial­ize in new beach prop­er­ties such as fish­ing tours, mari­nas, and beach bars
  • We Get Around: New taxi ser­vices help cit­i­zens and tourists trav­el around the city, while new ded­i­cat­ed bus lanes and bike lanes en­cour­age al­ter­nate transportation
  • New Chirps: Because every­one loves Chirper #youknow­it #heisadorable

After Dark will be avail­able for Cities: Skylines on PC, Mac, and Linux in 2015. For more in­for­ma­tion on Cities: Skylines, vis­it


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Josh has worked in IT for over 15 years. Graduated Broadcasting school in 2012 with a fo­cus on A/V pro­duc­tion. Amateur pho­tog­ra­ph­er with a pas­sion to make things work… by any means nec­es­sary. Editor-in-Chief and do-er of tech things at SuperNerdLand

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