Disciple of Christ. Father of boys. Petersonian IDWer. LAMP Dev, I learned to code. Switch games, Minecraft, Overwatch, League of Legends, Pokemon. Aspiring artist. Tell me something new. Insecure password user.
Just a girl who tries to be a decent person while trying to achieve her goals and dreams
Best Venezuelan Pariah Upstart Fiction Writer | Professional bread line doer. Dreaming of bigger things and wanna leave my old life behind.
Jake L. is a long-time SNL collaborator, video game perfectionist, former radio DJ and full-time Professional Smart Guy.
A frostback by birth, English by blood. Pun magister and intermediate shooper with a serious passion for the wrestling business and a love of red hot takes.
On PlayStation under Juicer873 (reference to that old racing game Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights. Yes, it was that bloody good.) Uploads his best matches from WWE video games to YouTube for the shits, giggles and posterity and is found on Steam under Slotter Otter. Pun proficient pain in the ass painter.
Dynasty Warriors Die-Hard — Hack n Slash Heroin Addict
Game Dev working on active project at [Undisclosed Studio], Center-Left, I post random thoughts and goofy shit that amuses me. Support Spacenoid Independence.
Showrunner for Heels and Heroes podcast, and all around decent dude. He *may* like Hellboy a little bit.
Demetri has an unhealthy obsession with cards and numbers. He gripes because he cares. He’s @Vysetron on Twitter (mostly memes) and Instragram (mostly games).
A mysterious masked wrestler who drunkenly suplexed our EiC until he put up his podcasts.