Member Directory

Disciple of Christ. Father of boys. Petersonian IDWer. LAMP Dev, I learned to code. Switch games, Minecraft, Overwatch, League of Legends, Pokemon. Aspiring artist. Tell me some­thing new. Insecure pass­word user.

Just a girl who tries to be a de­cent per­son while try­ing to achieve her goals and dreams

Best Venezuelan Pariah Upstart Fiction Writer | Professional bread line doer. Dreaming of big­ger things and wan­na leave my old life behind.

Jake L. is a long-time SNL col­lab­o­ra­tor, video game per­fec­tion­ist, for­mer ra­dio DJ and full-time Professional Smart Guy.

A frost­back by birth, English by blood. Pun mag­is­ter and in­ter­me­di­ate shoop­er with a se­ri­ous pas­sion for the wrestling busi­ness and a love of red hot takes. 

On PlayStation un­der Juicer873 (ref­er­ence to that old rac­ing game Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights. Yes, it was that bloody good.) Uploads his best match­es from WWE video games to YouTube for the shits, gig­gles and pos­ter­i­ty and is found on Steam un­der Slotter Otter. Pun pro­fi­cient pain in the ass painter.

Dynasty Warriors Die-Hard — Hack n Slash Heroin Addict

Game Dev work­ing on ac­tive project at [Undisclosed Studio], Center-Left, I post ran­dom thoughts and goofy shit that amus­es me. Support Spacenoid Independence.

Showrunner for Heels and Heroes pod­cast, and all around de­cent dude. He *may* like Hellboy a lit­tle bit.

Demetri has an un­healthy ob­ses­sion with cards and num­bers. He gripes be­cause he cares. He’s @Vysetron on Twitter (most­ly memes) and Instragram (most­ly games).

A mys­te­ri­ous masked wrestler who drunk­en­ly su­plexed our EiC un­til he put up his podcasts.

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