Member Directory

IIIStrife (pro­nounced Commander Strife) is a cana­di­an man aged 24 who most­ly draws nsfw de­pic­tions of var­i­ous fan/original char­ac­ters when he’s not busy be­ing lazy and play­ing games, or watch­ing youtube videos. You can find him on Furaffinity at or on Twitter at

With noth­ing to lose but their dig­ni­ty, the German-American duo of Freak Occurrence has de­cid­ed to take on the world, one video at a time.

The un­for­tu­nate re­sult of in­ter­ra­cial breed­ing and co­pi­ous amounts of men­tal ill­ness. When he can be calmed from his hal­frican rages, The Furious Mulatto is still an ob­nox­ious cunt that makes you wish late term abor­tions were legal.

GundamArashi is an un­abashed weeb who has been en­list­ed to jour­nal his love of Gunpla and anime

Justin is a hap­pi­ly mar­ried 35 year-old games writer from Northampton, UK. He loves sur­vival hor­ror games, al­most any­thing First-person Shooter-based, and pret­ty much every­thing with zom­bies. Being a life long gamer, he has now passed his much-loved pas­sion down to his children.

In his spare time, Justin likes to read, work out and watch movies. He is also cur­rent­ly writ­ing his first book.

Lover of Metal, Video Games, and naps. Former Writer for Techraptor, Blistered Thumbs. Always a gamer.

John is a tat­tooed as­tronomer. He hearts games, movies & beardy mu­sic. He also bakes a lot and looks through tele­scopes less of­ten than he’d like. Helps with GamerGiving char­i­ty stream­ing as well!

Rotten Rye stream(ed) The Weekly Grind every Satuarday Evening, as well as has up­com­ing gam­ing re­lat­ed projects to come! Unabashed Juggalo. And yes, he knows how mag­nets work.

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