An idea I’ve seen perpetuated over and over by the media is that gaming is not diverse enough. They make false claims that gaming is a Cis Het White Male™®© dominated hobby, contrary to the ubiquity of Twitch channels and […]
eSports Is Getting Big, And Here Are The Scandals To Prove It

With the overall gaming market getting larger every year, we’ve seen a similar rise in the prominence of eSports. A near $100 billion dollar industry is spawning $20 million dollar DOTA 2 tournaments, and coverage of Street Fighter V hit […]
The Current Virtual Reality Push is Half-Baked
Virtual Reality is touted to be the next big new thing. Except it really isn’t, but that is for a different article. This time it’s different! Right? We have more processing power attached to the headsets folks are now strapping […]
Ghostbusters and Guilt-vertising: Or How The “Right” Product Can Make You A Better Person
(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of the staff and/or any contributors to this site.) Over nine different articles plus various tweets from “celebrity” personalities. This is what dropped […]
In Defense of Hard Games

There has been a growing debate the past few years regarding the high difficulty of certain games, and how they represent a barrier of entry to newcomers (read new consumers) to a product. Granted, this argument is not necessarily new, but […]
Global Gamers, Global Developers: #TorrentialDownpour and Improving Localizations

With the current focus on quality of localizations, Josh lists some fan generated options to increase quality
Fire Emblem Fates Poor Localization Points To Growing Issues

Josh goes into the poor localization of Fire Emblem Fates and how it reflects the growing divide between schools of thought on bringing content overseas
Console Fanboys: What Makes ’em Tick? A Layperson’s Analysis
Darrell gives his thoughts and view on console fanboys, and what makes them tick.
The People Vs Youtube

Micah Curtis gives us a guest editorial on the recent troubles creators on Youtube have had, and he looks forward at the future of the troubled platform.